Therapeutic Approach

As a therapist, I find it most beneficial to utilize an eclectic approach as opposed to one specific technique. As a result, I am able to help the client whether it be an individual, a couple, or a family, make sense of what is happening for them emotionally in the moment, identify their needs, and find a greater sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.

I developed CAVT (Connection, Authenticity, Vulnerability Therapy) as a model of therapy, and to represent my overall philosophy on life.  Through this model, I first guide individuals to have a deeper connection with self, others, and the universe in general.  Next, through this connection, they are then able to tap into, understand, and embrace their authenticity.  As a result of deeper internal and external connection, and appreciation of their authentic self, they are then able to experience vulnerability, the essential piece in personal and relationship growth.  Once safely guided to vulnerability, they are finally able to begin to create the ongoing changes that lead to a meaningful, purposeful, fulfilling life, and relationships.

Areas of Focus:

  • Couples Therapy
  • Self-Esteem
  • After the Affair
  • Assertiveness Training
  • Parenting Education
  • Chronic Illness
  • Womens’ Issues
  • Anxiety/Depression
  • Grief Therapy
  • Life Transitions
  • Mindfulness & Acceptance
  • Positive Psychology

The following are some therapeutic models I use:

Connection Authenticity Vulnerability Therapy: Created by Kathleen, this model focuses on creating connection with self and others, living with authenticity, and creating change through vulnerability.

Family Systems: Information is gathered about the clients family of origin, traits of each person, and the type of relationship they have with each member, in order to help the client be aware of relationship patterns in their present life. Parenting education is also often a component of this approach.

Emotion Focused Individual/Couple Therapy: This technique is especially useful with couples as it identifies underlying feelings often masked by anger, as well as how the clients relationship to his or her partner is influenced by the childhood relationship with parents. Clients are then better able to identify and express their pain and fear, as well as what they need from each other in the relationship.

Acceptance & Commitment Therapy/Mindfulness Therapy:This technique focuses on mindfulness,values, self-compassion and living healthier, happier and more fulfilling lives.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: This technique explores automatic thoughts the client has about situations, the feelings connected to those thoughts, and the resulting behavior. Communication skills, assertiveness training, and self-esteem building are also included in this type of work with individuals as well as couples.

Psychodynamic-Experiential: This approach addresses deeper feelings through the use of dream analysis, role-play, journaling and art therapy.

Bibliotherapy: I often refer clients to books that also help with a number of issues that can then be discussed in session.

Connecting Conversations

Couples Therapy Workbook